My latest change has been to make my own lotion. During the winter months my hands get so dry and not only did I not like using commercial lotions, but they didn't really work either. I saw a recipe online on how to make my own lotion bars and decided to give it a try. You might be wondering how it makes sense to have lotion in the form of a hard bar, but when you rub it on your hands, the warmth of your hands allows just enough to "melt" off.
Click here for the tutorial that I used. I just measured out the three ingredients: beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil and melted them in the microwave. Add your favorite essential oil and pour into any shape mold that you would like. I used plastic containers of different sizes and came up with a variety of different size bars. It is not very time consuming but the bars will last a long time! It's a very simple change to make. My hands are no longer dry and cracked, and even my husband, who hated how greasy lotions made his hands feel, loves it!
I got my coconut oil and shea buttter from and the beeswax from Michaels craft store with a 40% off coupon. My only warning is that the utensils you use to make this become very oily and hard to clean. I found that the glass and porcelain products I used were much easier to clean than the plastics.
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